"Morning Light"

"Morning Light", Oil on canvas, 40" x 30", Available

Happy 2011!

About a year ago, I painted "Lakeside Morning", and once it was dry, placed it on the mantel over our fireplace. In November it moved to the home of a great friend of mine in Aptos, CA. I'm always glad to see my paintings find new homes, and (at the same time) am sad to see them go. This was especially true of "Lakeside Morning". I missed it!

This last week (between Christmas and New Years) I had lots of time to myself, which is a rarity, and I used the time to paint. I painted all day Monday through Friday. The first of my finished paintings is "Morning Light" (above) which is based on the previous "Lakeside Morning" painting but is six times bigger. What do you think? Do you prefer one over the other?

Another couple of paintings are in the works, and I'll post them as soon as they are done.

Thanks for your interest!

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