"Lakeside Morning"

"Lakeside Morning", Oil on canvas board, 16" x 12", Sold

Last month, my close friend Elizabeth invited my family (my husband, two young sons, and me) for a weekend at her house on Fallen Leaf Lake, CA. Elizabeth has three beautiful children, and we were joined by our friends Lisa and Toby, who also have three beautiful children. We hiked, had wonderful meals, chatted, relaxed and just spent time enjoying each other's company. Thank you, Elizabeth, for a super-special weekend!

Fallen Leaf Lake (near Lake Tahoe) is a stunningly gorgeous place. It was carved into a deep valley long long ago by glaciers, and there are expansive views of mountains just about everywhere you look.

On Saturday morning I snuck away from the breakfast activity, and snapped lots of photos as material for paintings. Then I kept taking photos all weekend long.

Here's the first of what I hope will be a few paintings from that weekend. It's called "Lakeside Morning". It's a very simple design, which I hope enhances the feeling of serenity I was aiming for. Enjoy!

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