"Resting On Windy Hill"

"Resting On Windy Hill", Oil on canvas board, 12" x 16", Available

Near our home in Portola Valley is a great hike up to the top of a mountain that is aptly named Windy Hill. The hike is a few miles along a steep grade to the peak. First the path winds through the trees and past a little duckpond; then it opens up to sweeping views of the nearby hills and the San Francisco Bay Area.

My friend Taryn and I hiked to the top with our sons (two 5 year olds, and two 7 year olds), which was quite a feat for the little guys. It was a beautiful sunny day and I took lots of photos as reference material for paintings.

This image brings back strong memories of our fun excursion, as well as many other hikes and bike rides I've taken on Windy Hill over the years.

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